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Champions at Belle Aire Elementary

3935 Belle Aire Ln Downers Grove IL 60515
(630) 207-6919

Area Manager: Christina Myers 551-250-1785 - Email:

Programs will be located in gym. (Drop-off and pick-up is #8 across from playground)

Enroll Now


Champions has a great solution for busy working families: activities that combine fun and learning, together with the safety and convenience of a high-quality program right inside your school. Champions offers a variety of group and individual activities designed to keep your child exploring and growing.
From art, dramatic play, math and science to problem-solving, language, motor skills and more, we help your child continue learning and developing essential life skills – whether school is in session or not.

Don't see a summer program listed? Click here to see if there's a Champ Camp near you!

Summer Camp only accepting students who attend Downer's Grove District #58. 

Before- and After-School: Grades K-6

Ages: 5-12
Dates: 2024/2025 School Year (Dates subject to change according to school district’s schedule)
Hours: 6:45 - 8:20 AM // 3:00 - 6:00 PM (Monday 2:00 - 6:00 PM)

Champions provides busy, working families like yours the flexibility to extend the learning day before and after school for school-age children ages 5 to 12 years. With a balance of child-initiated and teacher-led activities, our programs serve your child’s wide variety of interests and skills by giving them choice.

Winter Break

Dates: December 23, 2024 - January 3, 2025
Hours: 6:45 AM - 6:00 PM

Spring Break

Dates: March 31 - April 4, 2025
Hours: 6:45 AM - 6:00 PM

Summer Break

Dates: June 2- August 22, 2025
Hours: 6:45 AM - 6:00 PM

2024/2025 School Year

1-2 days: $37 per week
3-5 days: $50 per week
1-2 days: $61 per week
3-5 days: $106 per week

Spring Break:
1 day: $50 per week
2 days: $100 per week
3 days: $150 per week
4 days: $200 per week
5 days: $250 per week

Winter Break:
1 day: $50 per week
2 days: $100 per week
3 days: $150 per week
4 days: $200 per week

Summer Break 2025

1-2 days: $165 per week
3 days: $220 per week
4-5 days: $270 per week

2025/2026 School Year

1-2 days: $40 per week
3-5 days: $50 per week
1-2 days: $65 per week
3-5 days: $110 per week

Spring Break:
1 day: $55 per week
2 days: $105 per week
3 days: $160 per week
4 days: $210 per week
5 days: $255 per week

Winter Break:
1 day: $55 per week
2 days: $105 per week
3 days: $160 per week

Fees & Discounts

Additional Fees:
Registration: $70 per student and $110 per family (Summer: $50 per student)
Non-School Full Day: $50 per day

Multi-child: 10% 
Military: 15% 
School District Employee: 10%

How soon can my child start Champions?

Your child can attend our program as early as 48 hours after you complete the online enrollment process.

When is tuition due?

Tuition is charged weekly on Thursday mornings for the following week, and is due by Friday. Payments can be made with a debit or credit card through your online account. We offer autopay for your convenience, so you can store your payment account and it will be charged weekly.

What if I want to change my child’s care schedule?

Flexibility is the magic word for busy families like yours! At Champions, you can adjust your child’s schedule from week to week, with options for full-time or part-time care.

Every Wednesday, we lock in the schedule and prepare invoices for the following week. So, if you want to adjust the days your child will be joining us, make sure to save changes by the Wednesday prior to the week of care you’re scheduling.

If your child attends our program and you haven’t scheduled by the Wednesday prior, you will be charged a drop-in fee at a higher rate.

Get step-by-step instructions here!